Become a Friend, or renew your membership
We couldn’t keep the Museum open without the support of the Friends of Holst Victorian House.
Our Friends’ annual subscriptions are a vital source of funding for us. They help us to pay our day-to-day bills as well as the staff who care for our collection and ensure that our Grade II listed house is kept safe and well-maintained.
If you’d like to help us keep this wonderful house open, please do consider joining us as a Friend. In return you’ll receive:
– Free admission to the museum during normal opening hours
– Regular email updates about forthcoming events and exhibitions
– The Holst House Journal, by post or email
You’ll also become a member of the Holst Birthplace Trust, with the opportunity to attend and vote at our AGM.
Annual Membership
Single £20
Joint or family £30
Benefactor, single £60
Benefactor, joint £100
Life Membership
Single £300
Joint or family £400
Benefactor, single £1,000
Benefactor, joint £1,500
I/we would like to join the Friends of Holst Victorian House
If you’d prefer to pay by cheque or bank transfer please download this hard copy form and return it to or:
Membership Coordinator
c/o Holst Victorian House
4 Clarence Road
GL52 2AY