We’re delighted to bring you a new and immersive way to experience the beauty and variety of Holst’s music.
If you visit us at Holst Victorian House, you’ll find a kiosk in our Discovery Space where you can scroll through the original Holst scores in our collection and listen to the music at the same time.
We’re keen to make this very special experience available to as many people as possible, so you can also do this in the comfort of your own home. Simply click the button below.
You can choose to view and listen to any (or all) of the following pieces:
- The Listening Angels, mixed voices and organ (1891)
- Allegretto Pastorale, organ (1891)
- Funeral March, organ (1891)
- Intermezzo, flute, clarinet and strings (1891)
- New Year Chorus, mixed voices and piano (1892)
- Song of the Valkyrs, 3 solo voices and orchestra (1893)
- Introduction and Bolero, piano duet (1893)
- Country Dance, orchestra (1893)
- I’ll Love my Love, voices and orchestra (c1906-1914)
- Beni Mora (sketch) (1909-1910)
- Rig Veda – 3rd group, 4 songs, female chorus and harp (1910)
- Folk Songs from Somerset, orchestra (1906)
- Two Songs Without Words, small orchestra (1906)
- The Ballet Music from The Perfect Fool, orchestra (1918)
- The Dream-City (aka Humbert Wolfe song), solo voice and orchestra (1929)

Please help us to keep Turning the Pages available for everyone
The Turning the Pages project has been made possible with the help of generous donations and fundraising events held over a number of years. We’d like to express particularly warm thanks to the L. G. Harris Trust for their support.
It costs over £500 each year to run Turning the Pages. So if you enjoy the experience, and can afford to, we’d be enormously grateful if you would make a donation to allow us to keep this very special facility available for music lovers and scholars into the future. Thank you.