Annual General Meeting 2024

Wed, 17 July 2024, 2:15pm - 4:00pm
Council Chamber, Municipal Offices, Cheltenham


Friends of the Holst Birthplace Trust are warmly invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Holst Birthplace Trust on Wednesday 17 July. The meeting will be held at 2.15 for 2.30 pm in the Council Chamber at the Cheltenham Municipal Offices.

Following the official business there will be a talk by Dr Stephen Roe on how the Louise Dyer collection made its journey from Paris to Cheltenham. Stephen is a music antiquarian who worked for Sotheby’s for 35 years and established their music manuscript department. During his career he discovered and sold numerous previously unknown manuscripts by composers including Bach, Schumann, Mahler and Mozart – not to mention locks of hair of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms. He has published over a hundred articles and several books, and is a frequent contributor to music journals and scholarly publications, as well as lecturing and broadcasting about music. Together with our friend and supporter John Wilson, who runs a manuscripts business in Cheltenham, he was able to secure the Louise Dyer collection for Holst Victorian House. Our exhibition ‘In A Parisian Salon’, featuring items from the collection, opens on 8 June.

Refreshments will be served after the talk. 

AGM papers

  1. Agenda
  2. Item 3 – Draft Minutes of 2023 AGM
  3. HBT AGM 2024 – Item 4 – 6 – Annual Report 2023-24
  4. HBT AGM 2024 – Item 8 – Election of Trustees
  5. Proxy Voting Form